This is what you'll find:

-Free parts and accesories.
-Loaner bikes so no one stops riding.
-Public tools and workspace.
-Advice on maintenance and repairs.
-servicio y asesoria en espanol.-bicycle manuals,books,zines and movies.-doggie friendly shop and crew!-music!
We recycle all discarded steel and aluminum parts, tires,tubes,and all paper products.Note: The recycling facility charges us 15 cents a pound for the tires and tubes,which we usually bring by the hundreds... so please consider donating cash towards this when donating bikes with bad tires,or just a bunch of dead tires and tubes.
We use as much as possible biodegradable lubricants,degreasers,etc.. which we buy in bulk to reuse all the smaller containers,all other containers get recycled as well.

Past Events
-September,2006 did free bike valet parking again for the sustainable living fair.
-May 2006 Held the 2nd annual "One Speed Open" bicycle race,this year,a benefit for the River song waldorf school of fort collins.
-March 2006 Delivered a bunch of bikes to the Navajo reservation in shiprock,New Mexico
-October 20th.2005 we donated several bicycles for the yard sale benefit for crossroads,and organization helping women victims of domestic violence.
-October 1st. 2005. Bike donated to women's bouldering day,wich raised money through tickets and a raffle for Turning point,a non profit organization that helps at risk youth through wilderness adventure.
-September 17th & 18th We were at the sustainable living fair doing free bike valet parking .-On January 20th 2005,we were at the anti-inaugurational-community fair at the bean cycle coffee house (thank you!) earlier that day,we rode along in the biggest critical mass in fort collins,the anti-BUSH c.mass!! Probably one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in the fort collins resistance history!!
-On March 5th 2005 we had a benefit yard sale with a bunch of bikes for project Jerico,to buy school supplies for the children of the small town of Jerico in Honduras.
-April 25th 2005 bicycle donated for a special raffle at Lincoln jr. highschool.
-May 29th Bike donated for the fundraiser for the center for justice,peace and environment and Emergency u.s.a.,among other peace organizations,that took place at the mishiwaka theater.
- March 25th,bike donated for take back the night,fundraiser.
-July 4th 2004 We threw a benefit show w/a bike raffle to raise funds to support the victims of repression in Guadalajara,Mexico.
Students program

Everyone is welcome to come pick a bike,and if you wish,we'll help you getting it back to top performance! We'll teach you how to change,adjust and overhaul anything the bike you chose may need. This program is FREE for all !!
Wish List

-Large recycling bins
-hacksaw blades
-front & rear lights
-27" & 700c tires & tubes in decent shape.
-heavyduty grease
-patch kits
(such as:crescent wrenches,
allen wrenches,
-bike tools
-wire brushes
-your old toothbrush
-cargo racks and baskets
-small toys(handlebar buddies)
How you can help us!
We rely on the community for success,so please considerate donating any bicycles,parts,tools,helmets,lights,etc.,that you don't use anymore. Even if your old bike is too rusty and helpless,bring it by or call us to pick it up and get it recycled! We can also recycle carkeys and drivers licenses for you !!
Monetary donations make the shop go'round... we use your cash donations to buy specialized bike tools,grease,chain lube,patches,etc... oh,and to pay for rubber recycling !! oh!, and to pay for the telephone as well...
You can also help us by donating your time patching tubes,cleaning,taking stuff apart for recycling,or fixing bikes for whatever projects we have going on.
Please stop by our booth at festivals and the like to pick up one of the recycled goods we give out by donation...ALL of this helps a lot !!
links to other co-ops and alternative bike shops in the U.S.
We are located at 400 smith st. (southeast corner of smith and magnolia).we are open mondays,weds and fridays from 1 pm to 7 pm. and thursdays from 3-6 for womyn,queer and transgender friends only!
In the winter,hours get funky so we encourage you to give us a call first to check on availability. > 970 484 3804For more information, please send us an e-mail at: bikeagainst@gmail.comSo come check out YOUR bike shop!! Ride a bike against oil greed,against pollution /global warming,bike against the agression and isolation from our metal boxes!! like a salmon!! but,on a bike! - HAVE A GOOD DAY!